So I'm having a bit of an issue trying to figure out which fragrance I'm going to use for my Elemental Swirl Challenge soap (Amy Warden's Great Cakes Soapworks Challenge). I don't want to use anything that will accelerate trace, and I also don't want to use anything that will discolor my soap. I thought I would do something citrusy and sweet, however I don't want to use the same combo I used for my soap cake... because A) that would be silly; and B) the 10x Orange EO did discolor my batch to a creamy orange right away. I knew it would but still... I don't want to discolor my batch. So... I have all these sample fragrances and after a bit of research for each one I decided on the following:
BB's Red Apple - No notes about discoloring, morphing, fading, or acceleration
BB's Pearberry - Notes about forming white streaks remedied by extra stirring (no problem! plus I didn't use much lol.. about .4 oz)
BB's Blackberry - No notes about discoloring, morphing, fading, or acceleration
BB's Yuzu - Only notes were it sticks beautifull in CP soaps.. excellent!
BB's Champagne - have used before with zero side effects (plus I'm only using about .2 oz)
PFO's Citrus Blast - No notes about discoloring, morphing, fading, or acceleration
The end result of this mix being that it smells fruity, a tiny bit effervescent and very spring-like. I'm naming this one "Spring Fling" and I think it may become somewhat of a staple.. as in blending a bunch of my sample fragrances that will compliment each other in a type of Spring Cleaning of fragrances. It won't ever smell exactly like this again.. but it works I think.
I should be able to soap in about 2 hours or so.. once my lye water has cooled down. I think I'm going to use orange, pink and yellow for my "warm" colors and blue, green and purple for my "cool" colors with a black mica line. Will upload a YouTube video when it's all said and done. Reveal cutting video and pics on Saturday... can't wait!!!!
Edit: Just in case you were wondering...
BB = Bramble Berry
PFO = Pure Fragrance Oils